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What is microneedling?

‘Microneedling’ is a cosmetic procedure in which the skin is pricked with tiny, sterilized needles for rejuvenation. The small wounds caused by the pricking of the needles will make the body produce more collagen and elastin, thus healing the skin and giving it a younger and plumper appearance. Hence, it is also known as collagen induction therapy

How does microneedling work?

This procedure is done with the help of a device which consists of several micro-fine needles ranging from 0.5 to 2.5 millimetres in diameter such as a derma roller or medical grade specialized microneedling pen. The device is then moved over the skin after a numbing cream has been applied, which then makes the skin feel like pinpricks. Your doctor may apply a soothing cream or lotion after the procedure. The procedure can take up to 10 to 20 minutes and typically involves 4-6 treatments for maximum results.

What to expect before treatment?

During your consultation, you will be advised against using any topical agents including retinoids, topical antibiotics, and exfoliants a week before your treatment. You should also avoid direct exposure to sunlight for about 72 hours prior to the treatment. Since bruising is a common side effect, do not take any blood thinning agents for at least a week before the procedure. You will be asked to arrive to your appointment with a clean, dry, and makeup-free skin. You will also be treated with an antibiotic to prevent an outbreak; in case you are prone to cold sores.

What to expect during the treatment?

Microneedling is a quick and non-invasive procedure that only takes about 60 to 90 minutes with no significant downtime. On the day of the treatment, your healthcare professional will ask you about any recent changes in your medical history. Before your treatment, your skin will be cleansed so that it is oil and makeup free. A numbing cream will be applied 30-40 minutes prior to the procedure. After the microneedling procedure, a soothing serum will be applied to minimize redness.

Treatment Post-Care

You may notice some common side effects of the treatment such as redness, swelling, peeling, flaking and breakouts for a couple of days after the procedure. Applying a gentle moisturizer and a cleanser can help minimize the side effects. Do not apply ice on your face as this may interfere with the skin’s rejuvenation process. You are also advised to avoid direct exposure to sunlight for at least 6-7 days post treatment. You may take a painkiller such as Tylenol if you experience pain or soreness and avoid taking any anti-inflammatory medications for 6-8 days after treatment. Most people will need to undergo three to six treatments to obtain maximum results.

Benefits of Microneedling

Microneedling is a medical cosmetic treatment that delivers dramatic and long-lasting results. The procedure stimulates the production of collagen and elastin in the skin, making it appear more youthful and radiant. Benefits of this medical cosmetic treatment include a reduction in pore size, fine lines and wrinkles. This medical cosmetic treatment also improves uneven skin tone, acne scars and stretchmarks. Results from microneedling generally last one year or more.


1. What conditions does microneedling treat?

Microneedling can treat a range of conditions including fine lines, wrinkles, sagging skin, stretch marks, acne scarring, and uneven skin texture.

2. Can microneedling be done on the neck?

Yes, microneedling procedure can be performed on the neck. Many patients usually treat their face and neck at the same time. However, the depth of the microneedling during the treatment is lower as compared to face microneedling since the skin of the neck is more sensitive.

3. Can microneedling be done after a filler treatment?

Yes, you can get microneedling done after a filler treatment provided there’s a 3-week gap between both treatment sessions.

4. Is microneedling an ablative therapy?

No, microneedling is NOT an ablative treatment and does not remove the top layer of the skin.

5. How long do the results last?

The results vary upon person to person depending on the age, skin care, health, and environmental factors. But in general, results can last up to a year or more.

What areas does microneedling treat?

Microneedling is commonly done on the face but can also be done in areas of the body where the skin needs a collagen boost, such as legs, chest, or butt. It is commonly used to treat:

  • Scars
  • Skin elasticity
  • Uneven skin tone
  • Age spots
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Large pores

How long does it take to work?

This minimally invasive procedure helps the skin in rejuvenating new tissue quickly and the full results can be seen within a couple of weeks. You will also need multiple sessions of the treatment to achieve maximum results. You can contact your doctor to discuss further about the treatment.

What are the side effects of microneedling?

Some common side effects include redness, swelling, skin flaking and skin irritation. Consult your doctor if these symptoms get worse or do not go away within a few days.


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